Washington state House votes to pass bump stock ban

Lawmakers in Washington state on Friday passed a ban on bump stocks, a gun modification that allows certain weapons to fire more rapidly.

They debated the ban under the shadow of last week’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Democratic Rep. Laurie Jinkins said people are asking that lawmakers take action.

“No single thing we do will end it but there are many many steps we can take that will advance our ability to curb gun violence,” she said.

But Republican Representative Jay Rodne said banning bump stocks won’t work.

“We are going to trample on the rights of law abiding citizens, criminalize lawful conduct for a bill that will do nothing to address gun violence in our culture,” he said.

The amended bump stock ban will head back to the Senate before going to Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk.

Meanwhile a Democratic state senator is reintroducing a new version of a bill that would require that people be 21 to purchase a military-style rifle. Right now, you only have to be 18. It would also require stronger background checks.

The new bill introduced will also create a way for students to anonymously report potential threats and provide school districts with grants to improve their emergency response systems.

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