A Juneau resident has started a new clothing drive to help people experiencing homelessness.
Alexis Ross Miller recently read a story in the paper by a woman named Laura Rorem about her daughter’s experience with homelessness.
“I, you know, was just motivated by Laura’s words as a mother,” Miller said. “And it’s just so sad to me that her daughter is not just one unique individual. There’s millions of stories like that.”
Miller started making calls to shelter providers around town to organize a clothing drive. It’s the first clothing drive she has organized. The Glory Hall, St. Vincent de Paul and Resurrection Lutheran Church are all participating.
Miller is hoping to hold the clothing drive through Dec. 15.
“But, you know, I tell people that you can donate all year long,” Miller said.
Winter items that the shelters need include coats, hats, snowsuits, scarves and gloves. Before donating, Miller asks people to wash or dry-clean any used items before donating, if possible. New items are also wanted.
People can bring winter items to The Glory Hall, located at 8715 Teal St. behind Nugget Mall, to St. Vincent de Paul next door or to the Resurrection Lutheran Church, located close to the Federal building at 740 W. 10th St.
Editor’s note: A previous version of this story included information about donating to Shéiyi X̱aat Hít. That information was removed at the request of the shelter supervisor because there is limited capacity for donations.