Juneau Assembly declines to reconsider West Douglas e-bike tours

Cyclists ride on the West Douglas Pioneer Road on April 18, 2023. (Katie Anastas/KTOO)

The Juneau Assembly voted down a motion on Monday to reconsider leasing the West Douglas Pioneer Road to iRide Alaska for guided electric bike tours.

The Assembly voted against leasing the road to the company at last month’s meeting. But in a rare move, member Wade Bryson gave notice of reconsideration. That required the Assembly to vote on whether to take it up again.

iRide Alaska hoped to offer e-bike tours during the tourist season for up to 10 people each, three times per day on Mondays through Saturdays. Bryson had voiced support for the tours, citing the company’s local ownership and willingness not to offer tours on Sundays.

Some North Douglas residents had spoken against the tours, saying the road was one of the few spots left for locals in the summer.

On Monday, Assembly member Christine Woll said they’d already discussed the pros and cons enough.

“I think reconsideration is a useful tool when new information has become available, or Assembly members were confused about an issue and have now gotten clarity,” she said. “I don’t think that applies to this situation.”

The motion to reconsider the lease failed in a 3-5 vote, with Bryson, Michelle Hale and ‘Wáahlaal Gíidaak voting in favor.

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