Juneau Afternoon: ‘Love Fest’ concert celebrates Indigenous, queer, and two-spirit allyship through music

Friday, February 23, 2024 — Full Episode
Witty Youngman in Studio 2K during Juneau Afternoon (Bostin Christopher/KTOO)
Ashley Young in Studio 2K during Juneau Afternoon (Bostin Christopher/KTOO)

On today’s program:

Bartlett Regional Hospital welcomes new doctors in oncology (Image courtesy of Bartlett Regional Hospital)

Bostin Christopher hosts the conversation. Juneau Afternoon airs at 3:00 p.m. on KTOO and KAUK with a rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m. Listen online or subscribe to the podcast at ktoo.org/juneauafternoon.

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Juneau Afternoon is a production of the KTOO Arts and Culture Team.
Bostin Christopher produced today’s show with help from Erin Tripp.

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