Alaska House condemns representative’s sexist comments

Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, listens as Rep. Zack Fields, D-Anchorage, delivers an apology on Friday, March 5, 2021 for earlier remarks. Vance called for a Sense of the House vote to rebuke Fields for his comments. (Peter Segall / Juneau Empire via AP, Pool)

Members of the Alaska House of Representatives on Friday condemned sexist remarks made by Rep. Zack Fields in late February. 

Fields, an Anchorage Democrat, made the remarks when wishing Anchorage Republican Rep. Sara Rasmussen a happy birthday. He read from what he said was a message from a constituent in her district saying that she could wear a short skirt and stop traffic in Anchorage. 

Homer Republican Rep. Sarah Vance asked for the House to send a unified message that the comments “brought discredit upon the House of Representatives and that no member should be objectivized on the House floor and that such comments should never again be uttered on the House floor by any member.”

Vance said the motion wasn’t about punishing Fields, but about setting a precedent that respect should be paramount.

“My goal is to increase respect and trust in the Legislature among every member,” she said.

Fields had apologized to Rasmussen in the days following his comments. On Friday, he apologized to the House. 

“My comments contributed to an environment in which women are objectified, blamed and policed — an environment in which their knowledge and contributions are not allowed to stand on their own,” he said. “I’m deeply sorry for this.”

Rasmussen asked members whether they’re doing all that they can to bring respect to the Legislature. 

“My biggest takeaway so far is that we need to use this as a moment of growth and learning, so we as a society can do better in the future, and not have to endure some of these things that we’re talking about today,” she said.

The motion was adopted without objection. Two members had excused absences: Anchorage Republican Rep. Mike Cronk and Fairbanks Republican Rep. Steve Thompson.  

Andrew Kitchenman

State Government Reporter, Alaska Public Media & KTOO

State government plays an outsized role in the life of Alaskans. As the state continues to go through the painful process of deciding what its priorities are, I bring Alaskans to the scene of a government in transition.

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