Judge hears Juneau’s annexation case

Attorneys for the State and two Southeast communities argued in court on Wednesday afternoon on whether the right procedure was followed when drawing up a potential boundary between the municipalities.

The City and Borough of Juneau says that the Local Boundary Commission did not consider their evidence or properly process its annexation petition for contested land between Holkham Bay and Cape Fanshaw.

The LBC argues that they considered all of the evidence when the Petersburg Borough incorporation petition was approved last year, while Petersburg argues that there was already substantial presented evidence which demonstrated their ties to the disputed area.

Here’s a sample of the arguments:

Those are the voices of state attorney Erling Johansen who represented the Local Boundary Commission, Jim Brennan representing the Petersburg Borough, and Amy Mead who is the attorney for the City and Borough of Juneau.

Juneau Superior Court Judge Louis Menendez listened for about an hour-and-fifteen minutes on Wednesday on the CBJ’s appeal of the LBC decision on the Petersburg Borough incorporation petition. He may issue an opinion anytime within the next six months.

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