That would allow them to put $35 million into the a fund that could later benefit the Ambler Road Project, which they’re also scheduled to vote on.
Former Kivalina substitute teacher charged with sexually exploiting children
If convicted, Jayson Knox faces 10-years to life in prison.
Western Arctic caribou populations stable, though officials worry about warming climate
A warmer climate in the area is having an effect on permafrost and vegetation that caribou eat.
Citing ‘escalation of violence,’ Noorvik pleads with local, state officials for law enforcement
Residents of the Northwest Arctic village of Noorvik, where there is no village public safety officer, say their town is feeling increasingly unsafe.
Alaska representative for North Slope and Northwest Arctic says he’s not running for reelection
John Lincoln, the Alaska state representative who represents the Northwest Arctic and North Slope boroughs, says he will not run for reelection.
Alaska’s largest rural solar project set to break ground in Kotzebue
The city of Kotzebue has used wind power for decades to supplement its diesel fuel use. Now it’s about to break ground on a new solar energy project.
Legislative group recommends clarifying village public safety officer role
A legislative working group has come up with recommendations that Alaska lawmakers hope will solve some of the issues with the VPSO program.
Noorvik’s mayor says he was denied a REAL ID. He’s concerned other villagers will have the same problem.
There are several requirements needed to get issued a REAL ID. One of them is two documents showing proof of residence, with a physical address on them.
Dunleavy’s budget proposal funds more state troopers for rural Alaska
The Dunleavy administration acknowledges in its budget proposal that many rural Alaska areas depend on troopers for law enforcement and that current trooper staffing levels delay responses to violent crimes, including sexual assault and murder.
Heavy, expensive wind storms projected to hit Northwest Alaska harder in coming decades
Historically, Arctic communities have had thick layers of sea ice to help buffer those storms, but that protection is disappearing.