Do you support additional city funding for improvements to Centennial Hall and a new Juneau Arts and Culture Center? Why or why not?

  • District 2 Assembly

    • Wade Bryson

      Candidate for District 2 Assembly

      If we approve everything, if the voters of Juneau approve everything, we are committing the city of Juneau to $17.5 million of debt over the — or taxes — over the next 15 years. That’s $4 million of sales tax money that would be given to Centennial Hall, $7 million bond, which would then have $6 million of interest tacked onto it. So it’s a $13 million bond ask. That’s a lot of money to commit in a time when one of your previous questions is, “What are we supposed to be doing about school debt bond reimbursement that’s not happening?” I don’t know that committing the city to $17.5 million of taxpayer money through property tax, sales tax and hotel bed tax is necessarily the right path, if you’re truly concerned about keeping our debt structure intact.

  • District 1 Assembly

    • Greg Smith

      Candidate for District 1 Assembly

      Centennial Hall is a city building and we are responsible for it and it needs work. I do support putting in money to fix that building up. I do support a new JACC, as I mentioned before with needing to be very safe with our finances. I do have a concern on how much the city is going to and will be asked in the future to support a new JACC. But I believe the investments in the proposals that are on the Oct. 1 ballot are reasonable and I do support them, again with some caution on raising taxes and not spending too much of our fund balances and reserves.

    • Alicia Hughes-Skandijs

      Candidate for District 1 Assembly

      I will be voting yes. Centennial Hall, definitely we know it needs some significant remodels and re-improvements. We’ve heard that from the staff there and we know to keep a building running it’s better to take care of it now than push it off to the future, and it has already been pushed off. I support the JACC as well and think it’s going to be an economic driver for our community. I think, for a city that has such a thriving arts and culture scene, we’ll have the location that matches that drive.

  • Areawide Assembly

    • Carole Triem

      Candidate for Areawide Assembly

      I do. Centennial Hall definitely needs those improvements. I think all user groups, not just the ones that are coming from outside of Juneau to use it as a convention space, but the people in town who use it as a community hall. And everybody agrees that that building needs a lot of work. I also support the new JACC and hope that they get that project up and running. I think that it’s a pretty good investment for CBJ to give a small portion of that funding. (It) will help in the short term, create jobs and in the long term will have a beautiful performing arts center which will just enhance our community at every level.