• Why are you running?

    Why are you running?

    I’m running because I feel a sense of responsibility to see this through. As somebody who was part of the initial response to the pandemic, I feel a real sense of responsibility to make sure Juneau comes out in good shape on the other side. And not only that, I’d like to see us continue making progress on some of the goals that are most important to me. I think that the working dynamic that we have in the Assembly right now is really good and I pride myself on working to help build consensus. So I think I’m part of that, but I think this is a time when we would benefit from someone who has experience.

  • Pandemic response

    Do you think the city’s response to the pandemic has been adequate?

    The decisions that we made, we really tried to keep centered by following the science and going on the recommendations of the experts that were available to us. We partnered with the state early on and they were really great to partner with and made public health officials available to us. We’ve tried to be aware of the associated effects from the pandemic, the effects that had on small business with the small business grants, the effects that it had on just residents and (their) ability to pay rent with the rental assistance. So, I think we’ve done a good job so far. And of course that is also on the individual actions of the community member.

  • 2021 Cruise Season

    How should the city prepare for the 2021 cruise ship season?

    I think having time to prepare will be super beneficial. The best thing the city can do right now is to ramp up our testing capacity, which will prepare us for the possibility that the virus will still be around next summer. To work with the industry to sort of plan ahead for how different does a socially distanced cruise ship season look? And how do we address a part of our economy that’s vital while looking through a public health lens? So, we should use this time to be planning ahead.

  • Housing and Homelessness

    What role should the Assembly play in addressing housing and homelessness issues in the city?

    Our role that we play is, you know, we provide resources right now to some extent through the (Juneau) Community Foundation and we have the homeless coordinator — homelessness and housing coordinator — who does good work. But I would like to see us increase the amount of resources that we’re putting towards rapid rehousing, when things like permanent supportive housing projects come along and are ready like the Housing First project. I think it’s in the city’s best interest to support those as we get asks (from the community). And I’d really like to see our coordinator position take a little bit more of a formalized role.

  • Racism

    Does Juneau have a problem with racism? If so, how should the Assembly address it?

    Well, I think systemic racism is just a sad, unfortunate reality of our entire society. And I don’t think Juneau is immune. I think that this is something that there is real desire in the community for us to make progress on, myself included. The systemic racism review committee was a great first step. But I would like to see us continue working on this and it’s important — it’s an important conversation to have — but it’s important that we do more than just talk. That will provide us with some good information as we continue that process.