Adopted by the Board of Directors on November 4, 2021
Our commitment:
KTOO Public Media’s future depends on our ability to include the voices and perspectives that have been historically excluded by the media. We acknowledge the historic and continued underrepresentation of diverse perspectives in public media. We’re committed to bettering our workplace and expanding the communities we serve.
• We value protective and inclusive personnel policies that underlie a safe and supportive workplace, so our staff can bring their whole selves to work and best serve our community.
• We are consciously working to amplify underrepresented voices in our community so we can confidently present fair and representative news and lift up those communities through our programming.
What we’re currently working on to meet that commitment:
• Improving KTOO’s beat reporting, including increasing stories on race and racism, as well as utilizing a greater health lens, particularly with respect to public health policy
• Ensuring the voices and experiences of community members are reflected in KTOO’s content and events – virtual for the foreseeable future and beyond
• Highlighting the significant focus on incorporating Lingít and other Alaska Native languages in programming
• Examining our recruitment/hiring/retention practices and designing job descriptions and roles/responsibilities that will result in a diverse and inclusive staff
• Improving support of staff by considering the role of KTOO in addressing potential COVID-driven mental and physical health issues
• Reviewing and updating our personnel policies to ensure they contain the most progressive, employee-supportive policies, including an attractive family leave policy
• Incorporating the concept of gender pay equity fully into the human resources infrastructure and KTOO budget