Featuring the Association of Alaska Housing Authorities, Ricardo Worl of the Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority and Nancy Burke of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.
AKCH2 2014
Plenary Speaker Josh Arvidson – Trauma and Homelessness
Joshua Arvidson is the Director of the Alaska Child Trauma Center at Anchorage Community Mental Health Services and an Associate Director for the National Complex Trauma Treatment Network. He was a lead author of the Alaska Trauma 101 curriculum and the Principal Investigator for the Alaska Child Trauma Clinical Outcomes Study.
Self-Care & Self-Regulation: Helping Our Nervous System Through Compassion Fatigue via Sensation Awareness and Orientation
With Megan Nigro, Sadhanaworks.com, Integrative Somatic Body Therapy, Trauma Resolution
Public Housing
With Mike Courtney and Catherine Stone of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation.
Alaska Housing Data Panel
With Jimmy Ord of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, Chris Perez of the Rasmuson Foundation, Scott Ciambor of the Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness, and Dan Robinson, Karinne Wiebold, Robert Krieger of the Alaska Department of Labor.
Results of the First Statewide Survey of Alaskans on Adverse Childhood Experiences
With Patrick Sidmore of the Alaska Mental Health Board/Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
Alaska Council on the Homeless Meeting
The fall meeting of the Alaska Council on the Homeless. For the full agenda, click here.
Plenary Speaker Bill Hobson: Developing Housing First Projects
A broad overview of the basic elements of housing first project development. Session will focus on site selection practices; creative funding strategies for both capital and operational funding; selecting residents; dealing with opposition; and community relations strategies. Bill Hobson has been executive director of the Seattle’s DESC since 1988.
Non-Profit Housing Developers Forum
Featuring Mark Romick of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, Tyler Robinson of Cook Inlet Housing Authority, Glenn Gellert of Volunteers of America, Corrine O’Neill of RurAL Cap, Mandy O’neal Cole of AWARE, Inc., and John Weaver of VRS.
Employment and Engagement
Featuring Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Program Officer Amanda Lofgren and Sean O’Brien of the Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.